Call Ambulance First
Neurological emergencies—like any medical emergency—threaten life or limbs; call an ambulance first.
Neurology System requests you to fill out this form. We will talk & Discuss together.
যেকোন দিন যেকোন স্থান থেকেই নিউরোলজি কনসালটেশন নেয়া যাবে
তবে কোনো ইমার্জেন্সি [নিউরোলজি ইমার্জেন্সি /মেডিক্যাল ইমার্জেন্সি] চিকিৎসা দেয়া যাবেনা, আপনাকে অবশই রোগীকে কোনো হাসপাতালে নিতে হবে
নিউরোলজিস্ট একজন স্নায়ুরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ - একজন বিশেষজ্ঞ চিকিৎসক: মস্তিস্ক, নার্ভ, মাংসপেশি, মাথাব্যাথা এবং এরসাথে নিউরো-বিহেভিওরাল সমস্যা-এর চিকিৎসক
Neurological emergencies—like any medical emergency—threaten life or limbs; call an ambulance first.
Neurology System requests you to fill out this form. We will talk & Discuss together.
Bell's palsy—a nerves disorder— that requires neurological assessment & Management; however, delaying treatment impacts the outcome.
Herpes Zoster—a viral infection— & Post herpetic Neuralgia that most individual experiences after the acute infection
Neurology Specialist Consultation System requires you to fill out this form [at]: Appointment , Before we start discussing your Issues
However, recurring patients could book an appointment over phone or by sending message.
Non-emergency neurological services available: Neurology Specialist Consultation, Tele-neurology, Neurology on the SPOT, Neurology on The MOVE services, and Neurology for Probashi (Neurology Services for people working/living abroad).
Neurology specialist consultation services are available every day. Anyone from anywhere can connect, consult, and discuss. Simply fill out this form with the minimum details, including your mobile number, [at]: Appointment
Neurology specialist consultations are professional services provided for a Fees, as is standard for most professional services. Payment can be made before or after the consultation and should be completed within three days of receiving the Prescription.