Neurology Specialist Consultation

Neurology Specialist Consultation: Dr. Aminur Rahman, MD, FACP(USA), MBBS, HI; expertise in diagnosing Diseases & disorders of Brain, Nerves, Neuro-behavioral disoders

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Neurology Specialty Services

No Emergency Servicres

Please be advised - For any medical emergency conditions that threaten lives or limbs, contact the nearest hospital first. Neurological Emergencies require immediate attention & Interventions.


We will talk & discuss together

Neurology System requests you to fill out this form. We will talk & Discuss on Your Schedule together.

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Neurology Specialist Consultation





How to Book An Appointment

Neurology Specialist Consultation System requires you to fill out this form [at]: Appointment , Before we start discussing your Issues. However, recurring patients could book an appointment over phone or by sending message.

What Services are Available

Non-emergency neurological services available: Neurology Specialist Consultation, Tele-neurology, Neurology on the SPOT, Neurology on The MOVE services, and Neurology for Probashi (Neurology Services for people working/living abroad).

How to Contact Neurologist

Neurology specialist consultation services are available every day. Anyone from anywhere can connect, consult, and discuss. Simply fill out this form with the minimum details, including your mobile number, [at]: Appointment

Consultantion Fees & Payment Policies

Neurology specialist consultations are professional services provided for a Fees, as is standard for most professional services. Payment can be made before or after the consultation and should be completed within three days of receiving the Prescription.


The Expertise I gained through Medical School, Postgraduate Specialty Education, Postgraduate Training, and solo Medical Practice has enhanced my clinical knowledge and competencies, equipping me to handle complex, Diverse, and serious medical encounters effectively.

Moreover, I am updating my knowledge daily to keep pace with the evolving medical world.